Love, Mrs. Scott

just between us . . .

Week 5: I think I can, I think I can!


Hello week 5!  We’re very close to the end now, and these last two weeks are where it’s really going to count! We’re not making major changes this week….we’re tweaking and perfecting! As with week 4, for those of you who prefer to simply maintain the patterns you developed in week 2 and week 3, you’re encouraged to do just that. For those of us who are up to it, onto week 5! Here’s the plan:

REVITALIZE your body! *Nutrition Challenge: Replace all your beverages with water this week AND cut out all simple carbohydrates this week. That means, no cakes, cookies, pastries…basically anything with white flour in it. Only complex carbs allowed! These include things like sweet potatoes and whole grains. Here’s a great breakdown of the differences between these two with examples! ADDITIONALLY, add a fruit or vegetable smoothie to the mix, once per day. I really like these recipes!

*Fitness Challenge (stays the same): Workout at least five days this week AND incorporate something you don’t usually do. For me it will definitely be swimming! I’ll continue using these workouts this week also:

-1) 40 minutes of cardio. You may like these cardio workouts; or maybe you’re a runner (or you’d like to be)! Cool! Just get your 40 minutes in somehow.

2) Tone Your Arms in 7 Days

and I’ll be adding this one: 3) Slimmer Thighs in 7 Days *side note* I do cardio every day and add arm exercises and leg exercises on alternate days. Want to be fitness pals? Add me on MyFitnessPal (rachelcscott)! Let’s keep each other motivated!


RENEW your spirit! *Spiritual Challenge: Spend 20 minutes or more in quiet time with the Lord each day this week, in prayer and the word. Need some help finding good daily devotionals to keep you motivated? I’ll be using these: In Touch Daily Devotional & 40 Days in the Word. As a part 2 to this piece, memorize at least two different scripture verses this week. Ones you’ve not know by heart before. Challenge yourself to be able to recite them at any time!


REPLENISH your soul!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

This week is about holding up someone else…being the wind under someone else’s wing. Consider how you might enhance the personal, professional and spiritual goals that someone in your circle has set for themselves. Without telling them that you’re “holding them up” think of ways you can be an encouragement, a listening ear, a financial partner, or a cheerleader spurring them on. You’ll find that as you lift them up, you’re lifted also! Not sure where to begin? Here’s a few ideas: pray for them, offer to watch the kids so they have some time to themselves, cut out that interesting article you read in your magazine that speaks to their goals and share it with them, make a donation to their cause or a purchase from their business, tell others about the work their doing, post encouraging words on their social media platforms, speak positive words over their endeavors! These are just suggestions. You may think of several others…give them a try!

As always, you are encouraged to share your thoughts in the comments portion below or on the Six-Week Body, Soul and Spirit Challenge Facebook Page! Here’s to you!


Mrs. Scott

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